السبت، 16 أبريل 2011

منتجات لويس فيتون..!!

اليك سيدتي هذه المجموعة الرائعة من ابتكارات لويس فيتون..

هناك تعليق واحد:

غير معرف يقول...

Louis Vuitton like many expensive brands consider customers as prey and shall be eaten alive if they happen to fall into the trap. I personally have a very shocking experience with Louis Vuitton when I tried to buy a gift for a patient , the situation turned so ugly and proved that Louis Vuitton Management do not consider us as humans , but preys.

As a sincere advise, don't buy Louis Vuitton products for gifts or presents , don't buy it at all for any reason if you can , it lacks design and creativity and you will certainly feel you have fallen into a trap.